Program - General Questions and Answers - FAQ
- Why is the Prime Healthcare Providers Program different?
- Can I make same-day appointments?
- Who can use your discounted fee for services program?
- If I have insurance coverage, why am I charged an additional membership fee?
- Is the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) similar to a Concierge Medical Practice (CM)?
- What do you mean by “spending more time with the doctor”?
- How long do you spend during a scheduled appointment?
- Are you really available 24/7/365 to your patients?
- Aren’t you afraid that you will burn out by being on call every day?
- What if I need a specialist?
- What is the annual “Executive” Physical Exam?
- Is Annual Membership Fee worth it?
- Why is the Membership Concept so popular among patients and doctors?
- Can I just get an Executive Physical without becoming an Annual Member?
- What advantages does the Prime Healthcare Providers Annual Membership offer?
- What is the comprehensive wellness lifestyle & consultation?
- How many patients does each physician have?
- Are Prime Healthcare Providers patients really healthier?
- Can my Prime Healthcare Providers Physician be contacted by phone or email?
- Why is Prime Healthcare Providers Membership specifically good for corporations and businesses?
- How much does it cost?
- Do I need to be in good health to become a patient?
- Will there be a discount if I don’t use all of the Member Services?
- Will my annual fee increase if I become seriously ill?
- Can a family member be added to my account?
- Can I get my medical care at Prime Healthcare Providers without becoming a member?
- What hidden costs do I have?
- Do I need to have an appointment to receive care?
- If I make an appointment, will I see my own personal physician?
- If I am not already a patient, how can I meet you?
- Is the number of patients seen at your office limited?
- Can I change Prime Healthcare Providers Physicians?
- What if my insurance company already pays for a wellness visit?
- If I am already a patient of Prime Healthcare Providers and am already receiving exceptional care why do I need to switch to a Membership?
- What will I NOT get with my Annual Membership Fee?
- How is the American Healthcare Crisis Similar to What is Happening in Great Britain?
- In your estimation what is the problem with healthcare delivery in the United States?
- Why is the Prime Healthcare Providers Program Different?
Prime Healthcare Providers PCMH offers a more ideal and thoughtful approach to medicine. For a fixed annual membership fee, patients get enhanced internal medicine care and many unique benefits including a comprehensive executive physical exam with imaging, no waiting for appointments, unhurried visits, and access to their physician 24 hours a day. Each Prime Healthcare Providers clinician has a limited number of patients, which allows him or her to provide the most compassionate, comprehensive, and thorough care possible.
- Can I make same day appointments?
Yes. Our offices are staffed daily, and we have a physician on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to meet your primary healthcare needs.
- Who can benefit from your discounted fee for services program?
For those of you who are not covered by an insurance policy or for those who are in plans that we do not participate in we offer you are discounted fee for service plan. With our discounted fee structure you can save a considerable amount for those services that we normally provide in our office (click here to see a full list of services).
- If I have insurance coverage, why am I charged an additional membership fee?
Without this fee, we would have to have many more patients (and therefore not be able to provide the same level of responsive and personal service) or charge much more for each service provided. The fee is charged for services that your insurance provider won’t pay, which we consider the extra time needed for care above and beyond the usual and customary. We cannot provide the many benefits of Prime Healthcare Providers such as a annual comprehensive executive physical exam, screening imaging studies, same day appointments, little time waiting to see the doctor and ample time with him, telephone and email consultations, medication refills, and the completion of medical forms, without drastically reducing our patient load; to offset the cost that this requires, we charge an annual membership fee. Having a practice membership fee also allows us to know exactly how many patients we have at any time so that we can keep our practice to a manageable number of patients.
- Is the PCMH similar to a concierge practice?
- No. Concierge Medicine is a private medical practice in which the physician charges patients a high annual fee to be a patient in the practice. In exchange, the physician limits the number of patients in order to offer more personalized services and amenities such as: Cable TV in exam rooms, Phones in each exam room, Luxury robes, Cotton Smocks, Athletic Wear, Shower Facilities, Linens, Personal toiletries, Valet parking, Direct access through email or cell phone, Same day or next day appointments, Longer, more personalized appointments, House calls, and Physician accompaniment to a specialist. This type or practice has been criticized as being "elitist" as most concierge doctors provide only office-level services and work outside of healthcare insurance plans, which requires patients to also carry full medical insurance in addition. Consequently, this approach is really aimed only at a relatively affluent clientele.
- On the other hand, PCMH is endorsed by the medical community and is defined by six characteristics: "(1) personal physician, (2) physician-directed medical practice, (3) whole-person orientation, (4) coordinated care, (5) quality and safety, and (6) enhanced access." In the PCMH model, the personal physician ensures that patients have access to coordinated and managed care that is continuous, comprehensive, preventive, and evidence-based. It is touted as the solution to our broken healthcare system and an ideal system that should be adopted on a national scale. As a whole the cost to the patient is far less than a Concierge Practice.
- Health insurers and doctors must change the way they do business in order to make the PCMH work. It requires that doctors do more than they would normally do in caring for their patients. Patients claim that it reminds them of the family doctors that they had when they had when they were growing up. This approach also depends heavily on costly technologies such as digital medical records and supporting software in order to insure that patients receive the care they need.
Patients also have to change their interactions with their personal physician. Much of the attention they need involves follow-up calls and visits to insure that the patient is following the prescribed regimen. It requires a commitment from the patient in time and money.
- No. Concierge Medicine is a private medical practice in which the physician charges patients a high annual fee to be a patient in the practice. In exchange, the physician limits the number of patients in order to offer more personalized services and amenities such as: Cable TV in exam rooms, Phones in each exam room, Luxury robes, Cotton Smocks, Athletic Wear, Shower Facilities, Linens, Personal toiletries, Valet parking, Direct access through email or cell phone, Same day or next day appointments, Longer, more personalized appointments, House calls, and Physician accompaniment to a specialist. This type or practice has been criticized as being "elitist" as most concierge doctors provide only office-level services and work outside of healthcare insurance plans, which requires patients to also carry full medical insurance in addition. Consequently, this approach is really aimed only at a relatively affluent clientele.
- What do you mean by “spending more time with the doctor”?
It takes us time to really get to know you. This is what we mean by spending the extra time to:- Get an in-depth understanding of your current health status and any potential health risks.
- Understand the significance of your symptoms, concerns, and current health issues.
- Delve into your family and medical history to determine if that information may factor into your current health status.
- Research the medical literature for more information on a particular problem.
- Discuss your case with a specialist colleague.
- Explain the purpose of any recommended tests.
- Discuss with you, the results of any tests done at our office or elsewhere.
- Discuss with you the significance of each of your medical conditions and your treatment options.
- Explain the purpose of any newly prescribed medication and possible side-effects.
- Call you on the telephone to make certain you are responding as expected to treatment.
- Listening to you should you be emotionally distressed as you describe what is troubling you.
- Share your trials and tribulations.
- To just be available when you need us.
- How long do you spend during a scheduled appointment?
Let me first explain that if you were to go to a doctor’s office (assuming that you could even get an appointment) that practices assembly line medicine, that practice is forced to see an average of one patient every 7.5 minutes, typically 30-50 patients per day. In many instances, you would be seen by someone other than your personal doctor. It may be a medical assistant, a nurse practitioner, or even a physician assistant, but not your personal doctor. If they do not see that many patients each day, they would be unable to pay their overhead (rent, staff, insurance, etc.). You, be the judge, what can the doctor do in 7. 5 minutes?
On the other hand, our Prime Healthcare Provider PCMH patients are encouraged to come in to see their doctor routinely, often and early, even with what may seem like a trivial complaint. By doing so, these problems can be addressed long before they become major ones. Although we usually do not schedule our individual appointments for longer than 30 minutes (except for physical exams), we do make exceptions when the circumstances present. Just let us know in advance if you need more time. We do not want you to feel pressured or rushed. Just call our office and we can usually see you that same day, for a time that is convenient for you. In any event, patients are free to schedule additional 30-minute appointments as often as they wish.
- Are you really available 24/7/365 to your patients?
Yes, your doctor is on-call for you daily and will only arrange coverage by a colleague, in very limited circumstances, such as illness or when traveling out of cell phone contact
- Aren’t you afraid that you will burn out by being on call every day?
No. There are several reasons for this.- The practice has a limited number of patients;
- The service is intended only for urgent problems, in need of immediate attention & cannot wait until morning;
- Since patients know that they can easily reach their doctor the next morning, they may not need to call at night;
- We trust that our patients will know the difference and when to call for 911 & urgent problems that can’t wait until the next morning versus the less urgent ones that can. In any event, we want our patients to feel comfortable when calling.
- Our medical practice is based on mutual trust & respect. For those things that can wait, our patients generally respect their physician’s time, especially when they are informed in advance, such as by email, that their physician will be out of pocket for a few hours & hold off on calling until after the conclusion of their required event. In return, we plan to respect our patients by providing responsive, on-time service & plan to earn our patient’s trust by providing the best possible medical care.
- What if I need a specialist?
When we refer one of our patients to a specialist colleague, our office will telephone the specialist’s office directly to arrange for their appointment and make certain that is done promptly. We will also provide that office with our patient’s pertinent medical records and any demographic information that is needed to expedite they being seen promptly. In addition, our physician will communicate directly with the specialist in advance of your appointment to insure that the specialist understands the nature of the consult that is being request.
- What is the annual “Executive Physical Exam?
Our optional “Enhanced Executive” physical will likely be the most thorough medical exam you’ve ever experienced in a doctor’s office. It is comparable to physical examinations performed at national research institutions such as the renowned Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins. Each year, patients are carefully checked head to toe and all medical problems are addressed. You will be thoroughly tested using the latest medical technologies and equipment. Many of the tests will be new to you given that insurance companies and HMOs do typically not cover them. For this reason, most people have never had a full physical. Please click here to see what is done at the time of this physical
The equivalent of our comprehensive “Executive” Physical Exam would take weeks or months to coordinate through a family physician, but at Prime Healthcare Providers all of the doctors, nurses, technicians and equipment are all here under one roof. We look after the health and well being of management teams from leading corporations as well as individuals interested in aggressively managing their health and well being.
The cost of the Executive Physical is based on your age and is included in your membership fee.
Once complete, your physician and other team members, will work with you to establish health goals and priorities that fit your lifestyle. Our plan will incorporate your short and long-term health goals with the overall objective of prolonging and maximizing your enjoyment of life.
- Is the Annual Membership Fee worth it?
Only you can decide. But essentially, there is no price for good health.
- Why is the PCMH Membership Concept so popular among patients and doctors?
This acceptance of this model by patients, reflects their deep exasperation with the two-hour waits and 7-minute appointments of conventional primary care offices. Given the burnout among physicians who must see more than 50 patients a day, doctors say that the PCMH Membership Model may sustain those of us who would otherwise hang up their stethoscopes.
- Can I just get an “Executive ” Physical without becoming an Annual Member?
Yes. You can get a “Executive” Physical without becoming a Prime Healthcare Providers PCHM Member.
For more information on our Physicals, and Pricing call the office.
- What advantages does the Annual Membership offer?
Prime Healthcare Providers PCMH medical care is based on care beyond the usual and customary, and involves additional time and effort by your physician to specialize in you and your family. Prime Healthcare Providers offers a more ideal and thoughtful approach to medicine. For a fixed annual membership fee, (click her to see the fee schedule) patients get deluxe medical care and many unique benefits including the following: Click here for details
- What is the comprehensive wellness lifestyle & consultation?
Every year, each member will receive a wellness and lifestyle consultation as part of the comprehensive physical exam with his/her physician. This discussion touches on many different topics including sleep health, sexual health, harmful substances, warning signs of disease, cold prevention, and stress management.
- How many patients does each physician have?
In order to maintain our superior level of patient access, personal service, and highest-quality care, each Prime Healthcare Providers doctor has agreed to accept only a limited number of patients. This contrasts with as many as 4,000 in a traditional physician’s office. Our patient limit ensures that all member patients have access to their physician and also ensures the personalized and thorough care we promise.
To spend more time with each of their PCMH member patients Drs. Phillip & Adam Weinstein have reduced the total number of patients that they see.
- Are Prime Healthcare Providers PCMH patients really healthier?
It is our experience that Prime Healthcare Providers PCMH Member patients are healthier and have fewer medical complications. At Prime Healthcare Providers, we aim to diagnose and treat medical conditions in the early stages when they are potentially curable and before they spiral out of control. This leads to fewer sick and hospital days, fewer days lost at work, and fewer medical complications, which allows people to live longer and healthier lives. Ultimately, this saves the patient and the health-care system a lot of money.
- Can my Prime Healthcare Providers Physician be contacted by phone or email?
Yes. You have direct cell phone access to your physician and can call him or her anytime you have a medical problem that requires immediate medical attention. For routine questions, we encourage you to please call during normal business hours. If he/she is not readily available, you may either leave a message or, if urgent, ask to be transferred to another available physician. Emails should NOT be used for urgent care communications, as email is not always reliable. Email is fine for non-urgent appointment scheduling, non-urgent treatment clarification questions, or prescription refill requests. Also, please be advised that because privacy cannot always be assured with emails, because of the inherent nature of the communications technology.
- Why is a Prime Healthcare Providers Membership specifically good for corporations and businesses?
Having a sick staff member puts a severe stress on companies. Potentially minimizing sick and hospital days by being a part of Prime Healthcre Providers will help to improve your company’s efficiency and reduce instances where the company has to operate without key employees.
Prime Healthcare Providers can also customize a corporate plan for your key executives. As you realize, their health is one of your company’s most important assets. And with the personal treatment and exclusivity of Prime Healthcare Providers, a corporate plan can also work as a special incentive for recruitment. A company can enroll multiple executives at corporate rates. The number enrolled determines the rate. Please contact our representative for details.
Many businesses have their employees travel often and finding medical help while away can be very difficult. If employees get sick while traveling, they can call their Prime Healthcare Providers physician and get the help they need immediately. Prime Healthcare Providers is conveniently located in west Houston and is close to many freeways and when patients arrive there is limited or no waiting. Thus, clients do not need to block off a whole day to pay a visit to their physician.
- How much does it cost?
Our membership fee is graduated based upon the age demographics of our members. Please contact our office to understand how we can work to meet your family’s needs.
- Do I need to be in good health to become a patient?
No. Anyone can become a Prime Healthcare Providers patient. We do not screen our prospective patients based on insurance status or current health conditions. Also, we do not pre-screen or decline to accept our patients based on the following: age, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, health condition, mental or physical disability, education, employment status, economic status, citizenship, or national origin.
- Will there be a discount if I don’t use all of the Membership Services?
No. We believe the Prime Healthcare Providers member services will contribute to your long-term health and we want you to make use of all services offered, therefore we do not offer a discount if all services are not used.
- Will my annual fee increase if I become seriously ill?
No. Prime Healthcare Providers will not alter your annual Platinum Medical Care fee based on changes in your health condition or the number of times you see your health care provider. However, your annual fee will change if you move from one fee schedule age bracket to the next.
- Can a family member be added to my account?
Yes. Prime Healthcare Providers allows you to add or remove spouses, domestic partners, and other family members to your account at any time. Couple and Family discounts are offered.
- Can I get my medical care at Prime Healthcare Providers without becoming a member?
Yes. But only if you have a visiting family member from out of town. In that instance, we will be happy to be able to provide them with medical services for their acute medical problems.
- What hidden costs do I have?
Patients most often pay our office extra for services such as additional lab studies that were not covered in the annual physical exam, diagnostic studies, visits to specialists, travel vaccinations and prescription medicines.
- Do I need to have an appointment to receive care?
Yes. We ask that you schedule an appointment before you come in because we value our patients’ time. Doing so will allow us to provide better service and care for all our patients. However, if you have an urgent need, please let us know, as we will make every effort to accommodate you as quickly as we can.
To schedule an appointment please call the office @ 713-932-0118 during normal office hours. Appointments for preventive care (physicals) are usually scheduled within 30 days of your request. For urgent care, we will schedule you to be seen as quickly as we can; typically this is either same or next day.
- If I make an appointment, will I see my personal physician?
Yes. Your ongoing care needs will be managed by a specific physician who will work with you on a regular basis. Should your doctor be unavailable to see you during a time of need, one of our other physicians will be on call and available 24 hours a day to handle your care.
- If I am not already a patient, how can I meet you?
If you have an interest in joining our practice, please call or come in for a (no cost, no obligation) get-acquainted visit as soon as possible.
- Is the number of patients seen at your office limited?
Yes. We limit the number of patients assigned to each health care provider to provide high quality, unhurried care, if his or her panel of patients is full, you will be placed on a waiting list and assigned a registration number.
Most successful primary care physicians have an active roster of 3,000 to 5,000 patients. Prime Healthcare Providers plans to limit its patient size to less than 600 patients per physician, and would only increase its patient number depending on our ability to maintain our promise of same-day service and high-level of personalized care.
- Can I change Prime Healthcare Providers Physicians?
Yes. You may change physicians at any time assuming that the provider’s panel you want to change to has availability. Each patient will have his or her individual medical record and may request to have their care provided by a different physician if they wish.
- What if my insurance company already pays for a wellness visit?
The visit provided by your insurance company is far less comprehensive that was we feel is necessary to properly assess your health. However, we will file our services to your insurance company on your behalf and once you receive your EOB, you will be able to tell from your EOB what was actually paid and at what rate.
- If I am already a patient of Prime Healthcare Providers and am already receiving exceptional care why do I need to switch to a Membership?
In order to spend more time with each of their patients Drs. Phillip & Adam Weinstein have reduced the total number of their patients in the practice.
- What will I NOT be getting with the PCMH Membership Fee?
- Cable TV in exam rooms
- Phones in each exam room
- Luxury robes
- Cotton Smocks
- Athletic Wear
- Shower Facilities
- Linens
- Personal toiletries
- Fancy furnishings
- How is the American Healthcare Crisis Similar to What is Happening in Great Britain?
Dr. Weinstein parallels the concept of Membership Medical Care to that which is common in Great Britain - “The Harley Street Doctor”.
In Great Britain, because the National Healthcare System (NHS) is overwhelmed and unable to deliver quality care, patients find it difficult, if near impossible to see a doctor promptly and have adequate diagnostic tests when needed. As a result, many of the doctors and surgeons in London that work in the NHS also have private clinics on Harley Street. In these arrangements, patients pay these private doctors extra premiums outside of the NHS, to see them. There, patients have an extensive range of medical, surgical and diagnostic services available to them within an area of less than a square mile. Several major private hospitals are situated in the area such as the Harley Street Clinic itself, and others such as the London Clinic and the King Edward VII’s Hospital Sister Agnes. Harley Street physicians and surgeons are popular within the entertainment world and many celebrities will visit a Harley Street medical doctor and dentist to keep them healthy.
These are some interesting links about this topic:
More British Turn To Private Doctors (WSJ 1966)
Dr. Weinstein feels that just as in Great Britain, we here in the United States also have our own type of healthcare crisis. The whole system of primary care has broken down, where doctors are drowning in a sea of paperwork, insurance companies are siphoning off too much money, and managed care and lawyers are making the whole medical experience intolerable. A growing number of doctors have enacted their own brand of health reform, where they are opting out of the system, with some even dumping insurance companies altogether.
- In your estimation what is the problem with healthcare delivery in the United States?
Falling insurance and Medicare reimbursements plus soaring overhead costs have forced most doctors to take on far more patients than they should in order to pay the bills. A typical primary care physician must be responsible for an average of 2,500-4,000 patients, which results in being less available and having too little time to spend with each patient.
Some physicians, struggling to keep their practices alive, have begun to offer sideline services to their patients. As doctors become more involved with their sideline services, they will have even less time to spend on real medical issues. This leads to not being able to speak directly to the doctor by phone, and not being able or difficult to schedule an appointment. This is why many patients with real medical problems, often end up being examined and treated by a non-doctor, staff member. If patients feel that they are not receiving the prompt, on–time, attentive, individualized, proactive, concerned, preventive care they want and deserve, it is because they are not. This is the plain and simple truth. When doctors see an overwhelming number of patients every day, they have little time or energy left to provide preventive care or good medical care, to existing problems. Their practice turns into a factory delivering "Assembly Line Medicine."
In addition, there is a shortage of primary care doctors in the US and with the prospects of many older doctors retiring, there are not enough young primary care doctors in training, to fill the void. Soon, patients will find it increasingly difficult to find a doctor willing to accept new patients, when they're already overworked. As a result, patients are going to be put in a position of having to accept indifferent, impersonal, and mediocre health care.
